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Relay UK

Relay UK for business

There are 18 million people with some form of hearing loss in the UK*

That’s up to 18 million customers who may have difficulty calling your business. Nearly 3 million employees may also have difficulty reaching their full potential at work. Some of these people might work for you.

Relay UK can help you comply with the Equality Act 2010, get more customers, and build an effective, confident workforce.

*Source: Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID)

What is Relay UK?

It’s a relay service that enables people with little or no hearing or speech to communicate with hearing people over the phone. 

Calling customers who use Relay UK

You need to know you’re calling a Relay UK user so the first step is to make sure your customer database is up to scratch.

Help your deaf and speech-impaired employees

Relay UK can help deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech-impaired employees talk to anyone on the phone. And you don’t need any special equipment to do it.